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More buyers are looking for off-grid features in homes.

As reported in this article by NAR, more buyers than ever are looking for homes that have features to make them at least partially independent. That means it is important to show off any of these features in your listing.

What They’re Looking For

According to the research summarized by NAR, more buyers are considering scenarios related to extreme weather, utility failures, etc. when making a decision to purchase a home. This has fueled an increased desire for features that buyers believe will make their home more resilient when it comes to power and water. Specifically, NAR reports, this means that buyers are looking for homes with solar power (and the capacity to store it), whole home generators, water collection, whole home water filtration, etc.

How We Can Help

As with any selling feature for a home, it is important to document it in the listing media. Using our unbeatable real estate photography as well as drone photos and walkthrough videos, it is easy to show off these features both inside and outside the listing. Making clear that these in demand features are shown is sure to increase interest and buyer traffic at the listing.