Spring Appointment Tips


Spring Brings Special Considerations For Listing Photography

Spring has sprung, and the real estate market is still booming! 

We are excited to see what the spring and summer hold for all of our clients after such a busy fall and winter. Of course, with warming weather and an increase in new listings, we too are as busy as ever. 

In order to make sure that our clients continue to have the smoothest process possible, there are some season-specific considerations that we believe real estate agents should note when booking a spring appointment.


Spring is a season of growth and renewal, and, as such, landscaping can get out of hand quickly. It is important to let clients know that 2 to 3 days before their appointment, they should ensure that their grass is cut, bushes trimmed, beds weeded, and any mulch is topped off.

Providing the gap of a couple of days will give time for any clumped grass to disperse and any plants to bounce back from pruning. 

If your clients yard will not be ready in time for your listing photography appointment, we do offer landscaping retouches in order to make sure that it is neat and tidy.

Home Maintenance

Moving into warmer weather means that the time is right to complete many seasonal maintenance tasks around the home. Many of these tasks have a visible (and photographic)  impact on the home's interior and exterior, so it is important to make sure that they are completed prior to your appointment.

Clean out the gutters and wash (or hire someone to) the siding and windows. These steps will take the home's exterior to the next level and will make it really stand out in your listing materials. 

Inside, make sure that any spring decluttering and cleaning is done, and make sure that special attention is paid to cleaning windows, window coverings, and ceiling fans. All of these will make a visible difference in your photos.

Longer Days

The final consideration if one that requires no effort, but is nonetheless worth noting. We are moving into a period of the year with brighter sunlight and longer daylight hours. That means that we have a longer span of the day in which we can take bright, attractive photos and we are doing a ton of shoots. As always, though, you can expect your real estate listing photos, walkthrough videos, drone photos, and Matterport 3D Tours by the next day at noon.