Why Use Virtual Staging?

Virtual staging is an editing technique in which your listing photos are digitally altered to place furniture, rugs, or other decorations around a room. It provides an inviting feel, and it gives buyers a better idea of the layout and flow of your listing. 


A common concern held by agents is that having the interior shots of a listing edited, in some way, could be interpreted as misrepresenting a property. However, virtual staging is considered a completely acceptable method for marketing a home. So long as the staging is not being used to hide a material defect of the property, or it does not misrepresent it in its current state (changing wall or carpet color, for example), it is viewed no differently than traditional staging.

Why should you choose virtual staging? In much the same way that traditional staging can make a home seem more inviting, virtual staging will do the same for your listing photos. In addition to making the home seem generally warmer, virtual staging gives the opportunity for you to show multiple ways that the same room could be laid out. This will help buyers to engage more deeply with the space, and it increases the likelihood that they will choose to view your listing in person.


Virtual staging provides a better return on investment than traditional staging. Rather than paying per week to physically stage a home, virtual staging is a one-time marketing investment. We will virtually stage your listing photos for a fraction of the price of traditional staging- just $25 per photo.

Agents are busy. With virtual staging there isn’t any scheduling to coordinate or stagers to meet. We take your choice of interior photos and deliver edited, staged versions to you. As with almost all of our services, we will provide you with the virtually staged photos, along with the rest of your materials, by noon on the day following your photoshoot. 

In addition to virtual staging, we provide a full complement of other advanced editing services. We can digitally remove clutter or messes from your listing photos, provide fixes to temporary landscaping issues, create virtual twilight photos, and much more. To see a full list of our offerings and book a service, please visit our website or contact us today.